Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Infinity Scarf- DIY

Sewing is not my thing.  Do I own a nice (ish) sewing machine?  Yes.  Have I been known to occasionally dust it off and give it a try?  Of course.  Will I ever remember how to thread the silly thing and not waste countless hours trying to reteach myself each time?  Unlikely. So, when I decided that I was going to MAKE matching infinity scarves for myself and my girls to wear during a fall family photo shoot eyebrows were certainly raised; mine included. 

Although I am a neat freak and like all things in almost perfect order perfectionism in it's traditional sense is not my thing.  I don't think I own a ruler, for example, nor do I have the patience to read an entire paragraph word for word once I catch the gist of it.  You can imagine my struggle with a pattern.  Needless to say after a few minutes on pinterest I decided I should just wing it.   I did roughly base my sizes on a few scarves that I already had and after a quick trip to the fabric store clearance table, (LOVE) and yet another epic battle threading my machine, I was finished and somewhat surprised with the results.  It looked like a scarf.  Win. 

I proceeded to go back to the same clearance table and picked up a bunch of extra fabric for teacher gifts this Christmas.  (At less than $2 a scarf I really couldn't go wrong.) 

What was your DIY Christmas gift giveaway this year? 

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